A new study from a team of BYU researchers finds novel cellular-level support for an alternate theory that is growing in strength: Alzheimer’s could actually be a result of metabolic dysfunction in the brain. Read Full Story
A new study by exercise science professor Larry Tucker, PhD shows drinking low-fat milk — both nonfat and 1% milk — is significantly associated with less aging in adults.
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There are things you can do to create a sense of community during the holidays and all year, according to Julianne Holt-Lunstad, expert in loneliness research at BYU.
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BYU's Crocker Innovation Practicum is a class focused on creating new and innovative business ideas. This team spent the last year developing a business around medication management, specifically easing the caregivers' burden by helping them with medication management and compliance. "It's cool to not only talk about the theory behind entrepreneurship, but to actually get our feet wet," says Claire Thomas. For more information about the program, go to crockerinnovationfellows.com.
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