BYU offers an undergraduate minor in Gerontology. Students are able to double count classes, internships, and research projects for their major and minor.
Step 1: Go to the College Advisement Center for your major to declare the Gerontology Minor. Step 2: Seek course approval for an internship or research project by emailing us with the course number and project description. Step 3: Complete 12 credit hours selected from core and elective courses, and complete a 3-credit internship or mentored research course that focuses on older adults.
Requirement 1: Internship or Mentored Research Course
This requirement requires three credits through an internship or research experience focused on older adults.
How to fulfill the requirement:
Enroll in an internship or research course related to older adults within your major department.
Email the Gerontology Program the course number and a brief description of your experience for approval.
If approved, your course will count as GERO 399R (Internship) or GERO 403R (Research).
If no course is offered in your department, you can enroll in GERO 399R.
Additional Eligible Courses:
NURS 491: Nursing Capstone
NURS 492: Clinical Practicum for Capstone Nursing
EXSC 399R: Senior Games Internship
STDEV 399R: Health Professions Internship
Important Notes:
Research or internship experiences that are primarily age-related may count, even if not listed above. Email our office with the course number and description of the experience.
For more information on how to apply for an internship, click here.
Requirement 2: Core Courses (Complete 6 credits)
Core courses can be substituted for elective credit
CELL 305: Human Physiology (with lab)*
OR CELL 362: Advanced Physiology (CELL Majors should take this course)*
COMD 420: Neurofoundations of Language, Speech, and Hearing
EXSC 387: Lifestyle and Chronic Disease Prevention
EXSC 460: Orthopaedic Impairments and Therapeutic Exercise (Included to give additional options to students in EXSC) ( CELL 220 & EXSC 440 required prior to taking EXSC 460)
HLTH 466: Health and the Aging Process
NEURO 205: Neurobiology*
NEURO 460: Behavioral Neuroscience
NURS 291: Nursing Care of the Older Adult*
And NURS 292: Clinical Practicum for Nursing Care of the Older Adult*
And NURS 333: End-of-Life-Care
SOC 333: End-of-Life Care
PSYCH 220: Human Development: Life Span
PSYCH 322: Developmental Psychology: Adulthood*
PSYCH 381: Behavioral Neurobiology
SFL 334: Adult Development and Aging in the Family*