Program Requirements Skip to main content

BYU offers an undergraduate minor in Gerontology. Students are able to double count classes, internships, and research projects for their major and minor.

Step 1: Go to the College Advisement Center for your major to declare the Gerontology Minor.
Step 2: Seek course approval for an internship or research project by emailing us with the course number and project description.
Step 3: Complete 12 credit hours selected from core and elective courses, and complete a 3-credit internship or mentored research course that focuses on older adults.

Requirement 1: Internship or Mentored Research Course

This requirement requires three credits through an internship or research experience focused on older adults.

How to fulfill the requirement:

  1. Enroll in an internship or research course related to older adults within your major department.
  2. Email the Gerontology Program the course number and a brief description of your experience for approval.
    • If approved, your course will count as GERO 399R (Internship) or GERO 403R (Research).
  3. If no course is offered in your department, you can enroll in GERO 399R.

Additional Eligible Courses:

  • NURS 491: Nursing Capstone
  • NURS 492: Clinical Practicum for Capstone Nursing
  • EXSC 399R: Senior Games Internship
  • STDEV 399R: Health Professions Internship

Important Notes:

  • Research or internship experiences that are primarily age-related may count, even if not listed above. Email our office with the course number and description of the experience.
  • For more information on how to apply for an internship, click here.

Requirement 2: Core Courses (Complete 6 credits)

Core courses can be substituted for elective credit

  • CELL 305: Human Physiology (with lab)*
    • OR CELL 362: Advanced Physiology (CELL Majors should take this course)*
  • COMD 420: Neurofoundations of Language, Speech, and Hearing
  • EXSC 387: Lifestyle and Chronic Disease Prevention
  • EXSC 460: Orthopaedic Impairments and Therapeutic Exercise (Included to give additional options to students in EXSC) ( CELL 220 & EXSC 440 required prior to taking EXSC 460)
  • HLTH 466: Health and the Aging Process
  • NEURO 205: Neurobiology*
  • NEURO 460: Behavioral Neuroscience
  • NURS 291: Nursing Care of the Older Adult*
    • And NURS 292: Clinical Practicum for Nursing Care of the Older Adult*
    • And NURS 333: End-of-Life-Care
  • SOC 333: End-of-Life Care
  • PSYCH 220: Human Development: Life Span
  • PSYCH 322: Developmental Psychology: Adulthood*
  • PSYCH 381: Behavioral Neurobiology
  • SFL 334: Adult Development and Aging in the Family*
  • SOC 333: End-of-Life Care
  • SOC 365: Sociology of Aging

Requirement 3: Elective Courses (Complete 6 credits)

Core courses can be substituted for elective credit

  • CELL 205: Human Biology Independent Study
  • CELL 220: Human Anatomy (with in-person lab)
    • OR CELL 210: Human Anatomy (online with virtual lab)
  • CELL 365: Pathophysiology
  • CELL 550R: Biology of Aging (CELL 305 or CELL 362 required prior to taking CELL 550R)
  • CELL 561: Physiology of Drug Mechanisms
  • CELL 565: Endocrinology
  • COMD 430: Medical Speech Pathology
  • EXSC 221: Science of Wellness
  • EXSC 470: Functional Neuroanatomy (Included to give additional options to students in EXSC) (CELL 220 or EXSC 440 required prior to taking EXSC 470)
  • FIN 200: Personal Finance
  • FIN 418: Financial Planning
  • HLTH 314: Health, Disease and Their Determinants
  • HLTH 320: Advanced First Aid and Safety
  • HLTH 345: Principles of Epidemiology*
  • HLTH 425: Working with Vulnerable & Diverse Populations (Health Science majors only)
  • HLTH 450: Women's Health Issues
  • MMBIO 261: Infection and Immunity
  • NDFS 100: Essentials of Human Nutrition
  • NDFS 424: Nutrition Through the Life Cycle
  • PSYCH 342: Psychopathology
  • PSYCH 375: Cognition
  • SFL 210: Human Development
  • SFL 260: Family Finance
  • SFL 306: Death and Dying

Other electives may be approved by the committee. Email if you are taking an aging-related course that is not included here.

*Must take pre-requisites before registering for this particular course

Gerontology Program Course Catalog

Gerontology Minor for Nursing