The 2025 Academic Scholarship application is open! Applications are due by March 24th. Apply here.
The Gerontology Program offers students three funding opportunities, including two opportunities for scholarship awards and one for a cash prize. Each spring, students enrolled in the program can apply for an Academic Scholarship, which is based on academic merit. Each fall, students can apply for a Service Award, which recognizes exceptional service in the field of gerontology. Academic Scholarships can be received twice, but a Service Award can only be received once. Students that present their research at the annual Fulton Conference or Gerontology Conference are eligible for a cash prize for "Best Poster" relating to Gerontology. These three opportunities are available each year to current Gerontology Minor students.
2024 Service Award Recipients
14 undergraduate students from Exercise Science, Exercise and Wellness, Dance, Neuroscience, Communication Disorders, Cell Biology and Physiology, Microbiology, and Family Studies.
Abbie Summers, Abigail Draper, Callie Rae Floyd, Dallin Pratt, Grace Freeman, Henry Livingstone, Olivia Church, Seth Rather, Blake Bulikofer, Cami Smith, Kalena Parker, Lindsey Barlow, Sara Rouse, Stephen Scruggs
2024 Scholarship Recipients
15 undergraduate students from Public Health, Nursing, Exercise Science, Exercise and Wellness, Dance, Economics, Communication Disorders, Cell Biology and Physiology, and Human Development.
Left to right: Gaby Colver, Jessica Watkin, Callie Rae Floyd, Josh Washburn, Grace Brown, Cami Smith, Haley Dillender, Gina Ferreira Del Pino
Not pictured: Sydney Sewell, Ireland Earl, Carol Urry, Zachary Funk, Katie Wassom, Allison Dahl, Katelyn Stanger
2023 Service Award Recipients
16 undergraduate students from Dietetics, Neuroscience, Biology, Human Development, Communication Disorders, Exercise and Wellness, Exercise Science, Nursing, and Public Health.
Winners: Jessica Harkleroad, Rachel Child, Andrea Hsu, Ireland Earl, Jessica Edwards, Braden Hintze, Lauren Weaver, Leacadia Stichart, Abby Andrus, Kiffyn Andreasen, Zachary Funk, Mae Betteridge, Emma Ward, Katie Wassom, Kendra Pease, Matthew Shaw
2023 Scholarship Recipients
19 undergraduate students from Nursing, Exercise Science, Communication Disorders, Dietetics, Biology, Microbiology, Exercise and Wellness, and Psychology.
Photo by fhss creative media
2023 Gerontology Scholarship Winners: Carol Blauer, Emma Robinson, Ivy Cuthbert, Brooklyn Fowers, Lauren Weaver, Sabrina Markl, Clara Myers, Megan Nebeker, Caleb Cook, Brinley Weaver, Stephen Harmon, Karen Tunstall, Mariah Hafen Northcutt, Sadie North, June Oaks, Ellie Mann, Analisa Fenlaw, Amy Gilliat, Anna Norman
2022 Service Award Recipients
22 undergraduate students from Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology, Communication Disorders, Economics, Exercise and Wellness, Exercise Science, Family Life: Human Development, Nursing, Psychology, Public Health, and Sociology
Back: Stephen Harmon, Emma Thompson, Crimson Stanger, Brenna Gurney, Claira Watson, Lauren Colley, Chloe Chapman-Houghton, Isabella Kenney, Dr. Ray Merrill
Not Pictured: Carol Blauer, Diana Brown, Megan Cox, Ethan Fullmer, Parker Graves, Chloe Kokenes, Elizabeth Long-Meek, Abigail Price, Joshua Washburn, Macy Wilkinson
2022 Scholarship Recipients
18 undergraduate students from Communication Disorders, Exercise Science, Exercise and Wellness, Family Life: Human Development, Neuroscience, Nursing, Physiology and Developmental Biology, and Public Health
Photo by fhss creative media
Left to Right: Derek Swanson, Caleb Cook, Dallin Swanson, Stephen Harmon, Brandyn Young, Dr. Ray Merrill, Brooklyn Fowers, Amanda Pugh, Natalie Brower, Emma Thompson, Kayla Taylor, Clara Myers, Kaleigh Hunt
2022 Best Poster Award
Gerontology students enrolled in the minor program are eligible to participate in the annual Fulton Mentored Learning Conference, where students can present their research and win cash prizes for "Best Poster." The conference gives students an opportunity to orally present their research to other students, faculty members, and the public. Students must have a faculty mentor in the FHSS department to apply. Students can get more information about the Fulton Conference here .